Access your paystubs and T4 / RELEVE1.
View your documents by date and print as needed.
Portal is available for all employees with direct deposit (click here in order to enroll).
If you need to retrieve any archived document (issued before June 2014), place a request by calling the Toll Free Number: +1-877-878-1151
In order to access the portal for the first time, you need a user name and a password.
To do so, contact our head office in Montreal during the working hours.
Maritime Data Center offer their services in various locations in Canada.
You will reach a clerk in each of our office.
Montreal, Quebec
Phone: 514 878-1151
Fax: 514 861-6972
Toll Free: 1 877 878-1151
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm
Hamilton, Ontario
Phone: 905 522-1304
Fax: 905 522-1287
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 8 am to 1 pm
601 Burlington Street E
Hamilton, ON L8L 4J5
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Phone: 902 423-6495
Fax: 902 423-0838
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Thursday, 9 am to 1 pm
Friday from 9 am to 11 am
1096 Marginal Rd, suite 215
Halifax, NS B3H 4N4
Direct deposit enrollment
Direct deposit is a safe method of payment that provides an insurance against theft and loss of check.
Payments are always made on time, even in case of postal strike, holiday, absence or sick leave.
Money deposited is not frozen by the banks and is available immediately.
Direct Deposit Form:
English ¦
Useful documents
Federal Form (TD1) Personal Tax Credits Return:
English ¦
Provincial Form (TP-1015.3) Source Deductions Return:
English ¦
HEA (T2200) Declaration of Conditions of Employment:
Additional information
For any queries regarding the hours worked, please contact the companies concerned.
For interpretations of the collective agreements, please refer to the associations and unions representatives.